Saturday, June 30, 2007

DAVID YANG IS 5"11?!?!?!?!?!

well..just so you know..the title is just utter randomness =P...but yes I am really that tall.

well my parents let me go to my church summer camp =D!!
but then, when i got home from church, they went crazy angry on me, well my mom did.
there is no Saturday fellowship tomorrow sigh*, just watch as i show up and no one is there, Well no Saturday fellowship tomorrow, sigh* well..then again..the camp was cancelled so maby hahahaha
yea i just pictured me standing there like a loner and yea, haha
for well today, started off bad. I woke up and was exhausted. I went to sleep at like 1:30am and then my phone rings at like 2am for some odd reason and i couldn't sleep at all after that. The last time i remember was like..4am??. Well i woke up today at around 10 and just laid there until 11ish. Then got outta bed and took a walk/run. Sadly, my mind was still being dumb and not cooperating with me. So i went back inside and packed my stuff for tutoring and church and sat on the porch waiting for Calvin to pick me up. The sound of the rain hitting the ground lightly relaxed my mind and cleared my thoughts. Church was kool, we had to wash peoples feet! haha
well yea, then came home and sat there worrying about stuff sigh*.Well now I am sitting here listening to Open Skies, which is a really good song. By David Crowder Band. Man 1 week until china and I'm only exacted about the plane ride there. Not all that excited about China it self, man I'm so weird hahaha. My sisters are so excited about going and same with my parents. Well leaving in a week sigh*.

DAVID YANG IS...(put your answer here=p)


Dana said...

DAVID YANG IS...(pretty dang cool)

f.wong said...

David Yang is salty =)
p.s there's a password to my blog again, sorry to make it inconvienent but if you read todays blog you'll understand. are you stampeding on wednesday? if so come visit me at the back of the Round Up Centre by the Xbox Station. and also thx for reading my blog =)

Anonymous said...

did you puke on the plane ride? or have to go the the bathroom alot cuz of that ice cream?