Saturday, February 19, 2011

With my hands

what have i brought?
what have i caused?
better or worse?
why is the single most occurring theme.
I am not. not even close.
I bring the pain, i bring the hurt.
I am not. not even close.
I do not deserve, will not ever.
I am not. not even close.
time is lost, time is wasted
I am not.  not even close.
where is the good? I see the bad.
I am not. not even close.

lost for words, lost for words.
one word, repeated and repeated. that one word is just repeated. 
what to say but that one word.
one word said so many. again again again again again again again again.
lost the one word, oh so lost.

what to do?where to go?what to think?

the back, so many times I see the back.
Just walk away. turn away.
so many times I see the back.
Smaller and smaller, the back gets smaller.
again. again again, one word, repeated and repeated.

error, error, error, fail, fail, fail,


Wednesday, February 16, 2011




Friday, February 04, 2011

This is what the Lord has blessed me with

1. A home
2. A never ending source of Love.
3. Friends older then me
4. Friends younger then me
5. Friends the same age as me.
6. Canada
7. Calgary Chinese Pentecostal Church
8. Youth Alive for Christ
9. Dana
10. Late night hang out with friends
11. Video games with Leo
12. PS3
13. Cousins
14. Sisters
15. 2 Grandmas
16. Music
17. Calgary Flames
18. Prayer
19. Snow
20. Summer
21. Bed
22. Warm house
23. Babies(Wawa, Jacob and many more)
24. Epic Youth Leaders(Leo, Kingston, Sarah, Enoch, Nathan and many more)
25. Spiritual Leaders(Amy, Clem, Sam, Jackson, Pastor Laing and many more)
26. Awesomely cool people(Andrew, Jacklyn, Jenny, Mrs.Laing, Jon, Meely and many more)
27. Cash, Lady
28. Blankets
29. Large TV
30. Calgary
31. Laptop
32. The many YAC youth
33. Everyone at Calgary Chinese Pentecostal Church
34. Smiles
35. Full Stomach
36. Tupperware
37. Jesus
38. Cars
39. Hugs
40. Thought
41. Smell
42. Touch
43. Sight
44. Strength
45. Walking
46. Running
47. Glasses
48. Worship
49. Help
50. Shirt
51. Pants
52. Night
53. Movies
54. Stars
55. My name
56. Water
57. Guitar
58. Piano