Friday, December 25, 2009


Jacklyn...your scary..
Very scary...
How did you know I would help out with caroling? haha
Oh man.
I'm tired, sleepy as well.
I should sleep.
Its 2:36am.
Pretty darn late.
Caroling was awesome as usual =D.
I like Jacklyn and Andrew house. Its nice.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hey Guys! I got a simple solution.
Lets just blame it on David!

You know,
I don't even wanna argue anymore.
I'm tired of it.

Not Good Enough

Right now, I am weak and not the fastest or brightest guy.
I can't even bench what I did in high school, nor run as fast or as long as I used to.
I lack in many fields.
I need to be stronger, faster, smarter, and have better reflexes.
The stronger, faster and smarter I become, the better I will be able to do my job when it comes.
I need to develop quick reflexes and be able to react to sudden events and attend to them accordingly and appropriately in a efficient manner.
I know what I have to do. And I must put more effort into doing this in the upcoming year and years to come. I am running on what feels like borrowed time, and have been for a while. These next three years, I need to up the anti on my physical fitness because three years is all I have until its go time.
I ask for help. Ask that you push me. Shove me. Throw weights on me. Help me make my self better. Not just physically, but in all aspects. I know I lack Bible knowledge. I don't say the smartest things or do the right things all the time. I still have much to learn.

I feel like I need to live my life in these next three years.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Just another

Just another student.
Just another person on the street.
Just another kid on block.
Just another person you hate.
Just another lonely person.
Just another unwanted person.
Just another person who does things wrong.
Just another lonely person.
Just another wanting to disappear.
Just another lost dream.
Just another forgotten man.
Just another fading soul.
Just another screaming man.

I am just another?...

No, I'm not.

Friday, December 04, 2009


Lord, why did you make me the way I am?
The ways I react to people actions, certain situations..
Did I react in a wrong way?
Should I apologize for my actions?
But first Lord, Did I react wrong?
You saw what happened God,
You herd what I said, saw how I acted.
Was that the right thing to do?

When it comes to the people I hold dear.
I dwell on my actions for a timeless period.
Did I wrong them? hurt them?
But when it come to these people.
I have to be honest with them. Be straight with them.
Call them on there actions. If they said they would never again.
And then they do..I need to say or do something....right?
I did..and well..its there life, there choice..
But they said never again.
And I hold this person very close.
So, what do I do?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Just can't smile.

I can force one out tho..
but when I do..
A hole appears in my heart and it hurts.

I acted wrong again didn't I?
I screwed up.
I'm getting rather good at that.
Talk about pitiful.
As your reading this, if you still do..
Your probably saying.."You idiot, of course you did"

What kind of guy, does this?
I can't stick to what I think was right.
I hate how I dwell on these thoughts.
Whats wrong with me?
come on.
Walking home..i was just so mad.
I went berserk, fists still hurt.
No one noticed tho, which i guess is a good thing...because I wouldn't of know what to say..

Right now,
I'm just not my self..
Can someone save me and make me smile?
It would be nice.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Its time.
I'm pushing my self now.
Pushing hard.
Working hard.
Going All in.
I can feel and kinda see the results of pushing and going all in.
Now I just have to push even harder and go even deeper.
Break off all attached strings, and use my own hands and feet.
Its time for me to stand up.
and Push my self to greater depths.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Stepping stones

I'm joining the army.
Once I'm done University.
That's the road God had made for me.
So that the road I'm taking.
Its scary.
Like..I'm scared..
But there's a fire of excitement burning in me.
And as it gets closer...the fire get bigger
This has been in my head for years now. And yes..
I KNOW this is the path God wants me to take.

All your guys weddings.
haha. Oh, just imagining it is so awesome.
Seeing everyone becomes moms and dads.
Oh that will be a sight for soar eyes! =P!! jk jk lol

It'll have to say goodbyes to everyone..
goodbyes for reals
To close all loose ends.

The thing that scares me the most is..
God has not told me how long..
Months, years, and maybe until my clock stops.
Who knows..
that scares me..
not knowing..
But I know its in Gods hand.
So I'm trying to be more comfortable with it.
He holds my future.
So I'll be ok

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remember Remember, The 11th of November

The fought so we didn't have to. They fought for what we have today. What you have today. They fought for...
your family, your friends, our cities, your children, your house, our jobs, our lawn, the TV you have, the games you play, the cars you drive, the restaurants you eat at, the food you buy, the movies you watch, the computers you use, the people you talk to, the places you hang out at, the love you feel for each other..

They fought for that. And some continue to fight.
So remember on this day of November.

Saturday, November 07, 2009


Ever look in the mirror and wonder where you were.
Thats what I find my self doing a lot these days.
or should I say..
How do I get to where it is that I'm heading.
I know where I need to be.
God has told me several times and has reminded me several times.
He reminded me just again today....
NANDESU KA?!?!?!?!

Oh man oh man oh man!
I need to work harder..
I bombed 2 tests this week..both of which are worth about 30%


I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Hanging with Jack and then movie with DA LEO CHAN!!!, THE FOREHEAD KNOW AS ZEVIDA WONG!!!, THE OH SO COOL MEELY CHO!!!!, THE ONE AND ONLY DAUGHTER EUNICE WONG!!
It'll be fun.
I'm behind tho..need to catch up on a few things..sigh**

I don't know why I still do the things I do sometimes.
I just do it for some reason.

Am I a nice guy? You tell me.

please!!! (T.T)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hats off to you my friend

I was surprised.
To hear that you could say something like that.
But hat off to your for having the ballz to say something like that to a girl.
Your beautiful.
I never really could or I guess I never the guts to say something like that.
Every time I want to say it, I don't.
I end up saying. You look nice. Or you look different.
I'm a shy guy when it come to girls.
I have a rather hard time even just saying "you look nice"
And that when I'm too shy to say "your beautiful".
I said it once. But the person asked for clarification, and I said "oh never mind".
Sigh* I'm no good at complements.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Just Smile and Wave
All you have to do is smile a big smile.
Wave a big wave.
Throw on the camo and just keep on tanking on.
That's all I have to do.
And slowly, but surely..fade out and disappear.

Just think and dream for a second..
Picture something you like or enjoy..
Playing games? Reading?...
Now picture giving that up..
Not too hard right?
Go deeper..
Playing sports with the team? Having a sleep over with your pals?
Now give that up..
Go deeper..
Taking and just being around your friends and family..
Give that up..
Go deeper..
Your Hopes and dreams....
You want to be a Dad and hold a child of your own,
Dreams of loving your wife to death,
Dreams of waking up every morning and seeing her right there beside you,
Spending time with the ones you love,
Wanting to be a father,
Being the best dad in the world,
Dream of tucking your kids in at night,
Dreams of getting married,
Hopes to fall in love,
Putting your hand up against your one of your own.
Now give that up.

I'm sorry.
But all I said was true. All of it will happen.
I didn't say it all just to get closer.
I just needed a vent at that moment.
Sorry for being so weak willed not being able
to hold it in.

At my funeral,
I want..everyone to be warring there favorite color..
Hopefully they will be all bright colors! =)
Not black please...unless its your favorite color...I guess..
Make sure I'm warning my bright green Salty Shirt haha.
I forbid any sad music what so ever. I will only allow happy, fast
go lucky, gospel music. And if you guys do some sort of power point thingy..
After the funeral service...
Then your all off to eat sushi buffet somewhere haha.
AND YOU BETTER EAT YOUR MONEYS WORTH..because its my money and I'm paying...some
So eat your heart out!=D

I wanna be cremated.
Burnt until there is nothing left.
Or if there is something.
Just let the wind blow it all away.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

River Flows in You

There is something about this song that just call to me.
I don't know what it is, but when ever I hear it,
My heart races. Just goes faster and faster.
I fall back and just see it from an outside view.
I get all these images in my head of thing I desire.
And there beautiful amazing images of me in the future.
Of the people around me in the future.
One image that is sticking to me is...
There is this girl playing the piano, this song in fact and I'm sitting in a chair with my eyes closed just dreaming. Then she gets ups, walks over to me and just smiles at me. We walk out of the church hand in hand.
Its weird, because this is the only image I have where I don't see her face, just her smile. All the other, I see every one's faces.
This song is the only song that makes me feel the way I do when I hear it.
I've fallen in love with this song.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Did I just...YES I DID

That right folks... I DID IT..
and for those of you who don't know..
I changed my profile picture..haha
first time since i started blogging lol
Tomorrow, I'm going to be stuck at school until like...10pm. I'm going to be working on my paper all night long. I get off class at 6. and from 6-10 I'll work on it. Hopefully my dad will remember to pick me and, and hopefully he'll let me drive haha. He let my drive on Monday. It was fun going on 14th by nose hill park. I hit 100=P haha. You know, I believe I speed because of Clem's speeding. I'm so use to going so fast that when I'm driving, I feel like I'm going so slow haha. I can't stand my moms driving anymore because she always goes 5-10 under the limit.
I found out I'm working AGAIN on Sunday. This will be the last of the Sunday's because Mindy, the waitress will be back from China and be working again. I realized I really don't like working on Sunday's no matter how much tips I get. Sunday is when I should be hanging with everyone and getting closer to them. Being with the boys and helping them out for making them feel more welcome at church. But this Sunday I had to ditch and go to work T_T.
You know, I need to hang with my home slice, which is a straight up G from the hood yo.
You know who you are hahaha. We haven't hung in a while. Come to think of it...I don't remember us hanging yo. Only eating at flight deck that one time haha. YA HEAR THAT G SLICE HOMIE, WE NEEDA HANG YO. haha
I really really like...or i mean no. I don't like..I...LOVE church. Being around everyone is so much fun. Worship is always amazing. No matter what song or who's leading, its always good when God is there. Oh wait...GOD IS ALWAYS THERE SO ITS ALWAYS GOOD haha. I'm cool =D
I've also decided, that I don't need a new job. I don't mind sticking with this one. The workers are nice, my manager pretty laid back and I get unlimited pop haha. If I suddenly find or someone offers me a super awesome job then I guess I'll take it and quit. But other then that, I think I'll stick to being a bus boy at sushi ichiban. School has been cool. Been seeing peoples around more often and hanging with them more between and after class. I now share a locker with Steven and maybe use his gym locker hahaha.

I'm hungry..I think I'll...

I DO!=D!!!!!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Crying in the heavy rain...

Its the only place where I can forget about everything and smile.
I ask Him to help me out everyday.
But its always the same answer.
I'm getting really weak. Really tired.
I know, He'll never give you anything you can't handle.
I can handle this. But I feel so lonely doing it.
I wish, how I wish...things could be different.
It feel like...if I do come back...I'll have nothing.
No one to turn to.
And it hurts.

I've thought about it over and over again.
And now, I'm just about sure..
I will have no one to turn to.

I'm getting better at this.
My coverings are so thick and well made.
Only God him self can see.

There's no point in trying.
If I were to start, its would only lead to sorrow.
So why do I even get my hopes up and try?
Because I'm a idiot.

The pains are so heavy.
I can feel my heart just bursting.
Can't help but clench my heart.
Hold on to it tight.
And try to heal the cuts.

You Lord, are the only one who sees.
Only one that knows.
Help me.
I need it.

I can't stand on my own two feet.
Can barley even craw.
It feel like a hand is grasping my neck.
Chocking the breath out of me.
A knife slowly pressing into my heart.

give me strength.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Can someone just shoot me now.
It would be nice for it all to go away.

Thursday, September 03, 2009


I could...
Throw my fist thorough a wall.
Smash a table into pieces.
Fall on my knees and just cry.
Take an ax to a car.
Run until I throw up.
Punch a punching bag until my knuckles bleed.
Floor the gas pedal with no one to stop me.
Scream and yell till I'm voice less.
I could do all that,
but still I would get no response.

I just want to flip outta control. Just RUN AND DISAPPEAR!!
Away from feeling like this.
COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!! BUZZ OFF!!!LEAVE IT!!!GO AWAY!!!!

Right now.
I just wan to cry.
I feel so. So alone in this family.
So far away from everyone.

A dim fire hidden away in a dark forest.
Unseeable and unnoticeable from a distance.
Surrounded by darkness, the fire suffocates in the darkness.
Waiting for a fire to burn away the darkness,
to ignite this gas that is so ready to burn.
To burn away the stench that is suffocating this heart.

Just another test?
A really really hard one.
I'll pass...

Just have to keep hacking at it.
Once you get thorough the hard outer layer.
You'll hit the soft inner layers and all will come out.

Not even worth a please or thank you.

I'll sleep on it again.
Goodnight all.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

One, Two

Quite often, I feel cornered.
Pushed and shoved in to the corner at home.
I get stuck in the corner and left behind.
Its like a tag team fight. I just have no one to tag out with.
And after a while, I get tired and give up some hits, several hits.
Once I get knocked out, I'm slow to get back up, but I do, and
its like a cycle. I jump back up, throw a few good hits, then get tired
and once again fall back down.
It gets kinda annoying.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Pray for me.
I've been feeling some what alone these past few days, which is a bit odd.
I don't remember ever really feeling like this. This kind of aloneness.
Staying alone too, its a bit weird, annoying, and just yea...
With recent events, and revealings...My heart is rather heavy.
I've been gazing at the stars these past 2 days by my self.
Just looking at the vast night sky, the stars, meteor showers, its been nice.
But when I'm doing so, I can't help but think...
about things..
about my future..
I know where God wants me to go, and I'm walking in that direction..
I'm just, well you know....scared...
scared of being alone? being forgotten?

Pray for me.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Actions Speak Louder then Words.

From what I you did.
I know what I'm worth now.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Sunk just a little

Week 5 of DVBS just ended on Friday.
It was really fun. We made pizza for lunch and it was great!
It was a fun day. But my heart sank just a little.
One of our kids, Jesse who signed up for all 6 weeks is now not coming next week. She heading to Vancouver for a short vacation. It sucks to here that. She gets picked up early so I took her around the church to say goodbye to everyone. It was really nice. So many of the kids hugged her and said "See you next year Jesse". It was really cute. Oh, how I'll miss her. Didn't get a chance to give her one of the KFC forms to her, I'll have to mail them to ever kid that we forgotten to give to. I really hope We'll get to see her in KFC or next year at DVBS.

There have been so many blessing over DVBS. God has showed me so many moment that make the 12 hour days so worth it. Its great with the volunteers too. I get to be closer and more comfortable with all of them as I see them day to day. Its exciting stuff. Some kids, I've seen grow up in DVBS and then go on to be leaders. Like Leon and Livy. There attended way back in like 2005 I think. And now both of them volunteer for it. It really great to see many of the kids grow up. It's great to see all the guys grow and become mature and sometime immature as well haha. Were all pals and buddies. All the leaders and all the kids. Its a blessing to see them, to hand with them, to know them, to play with them everyday. Best Job ever. Your are paid to play with Kids =).
I'll be missing after week 6 is over.

Monday, August 03, 2009

River Flows In You

I love this song.
It very pleasing to listen to.
I want to learn how to play it.
Even tho I have no piano skills what so ever.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Why do people have dreams?
What is there purpose?
Do people have dreams because they desire something?
Or are they just random thoughts that we have collective over the years?
Kingston told us before worship, that when you vividly remember your dreams, it means you had a good nights rest. I guess I had a really good nights rest.

I was helping you look for your bag.
And you did or said something that got me mad.
Really mad, so I walked away. Just kept on walking.
I came across your stuff, and picked it up for you.
I put your cell phone back in your back along with your wallet and some papers.
You followed me and I handed you, your bag. I was still upset and didn't say anything
as we walked down the sidewalk.
You turned your head and smiled at me.
And it was that smile, the smile that I see so often, the smile I see next to everyday.
I couldn't help but smile back.
You grabbed my hand, and held on tight as we walked to the bus stop.
We stepped on the bus, and sat together and talked.
A guy walked in, and started harassing you.
My blood rushed to my head, and I stood up, and started to walk to the guy.
You grabbed me. Held on tight. And said "Lets get off".
As we were getting off, I asked you if you were mad at me.
You said with that smile again "Of course not".
We started walking again, and headed to the spot on the hill.
Where we saw the heart made of snow, and first saw the sun set together.
We sat on the bench, side by side. Your head on my shoulder, my head on your head.

I woke up, with a heavy heart this morning.
I literally had my hand grasping my chest.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Way tired..

Sadly I haven't had much time to blog recently. Been doing a lot now that DVBS has started
I'm way tired every morning and around 6pm everyday now..
My daily rundown is like..
5:45am Wake up
6:40am Leave house
7:20am- Arrival at church
7:30am- prep for the day
9:30am- DVBS starts
12-1pm- Lunch
1-4pm- Rotations
4-5pm- Parents pick up kids
5-6pm- Wait for Daniel to leave so I can lock the doors
6pm-8pm- Clean up/prep for tomorrow if need be or go eat dinner with Ada=D!
8pm-2am- Plan for DVBS/Summer Camp/Yac.

And I get home sometime between 7-10 everyday now.
Its a lot of work. But its well worth it.
It's great, so much fun and amazing. You see God moving everywhere.
I enjoy it, and love it.
The feeling of a good day of working for Christ.
Well, back to work now..
God Bless!


Sunday, July 05, 2009

Prayer Please!

Please pray for me.
I have a lot to do and its spiritually, emotionally and physically exhausting.
I need strength guidance and wisdom at the moment.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Watashi wa baka desu..

YOU see,
Every time I see..
I fall for...
again and again.

I try hard,
to get..out

But so far,
I failed.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

1 trillion calories

So today, I had to baby sit Warren and Vinson, and it was Vinson's
They cam over at like 1ish when I got home from prayer. Hung around for a bit and Calvin showed up at like 3ish and Jack showed up at like 5 ish. We all hung around until like 6ish.
Since it was Vinson birthday, we headed to McDonald's because yea, its his birthday lol.
The lady was very nice. I liked her lol. She messed up on our order, like we orders 3 things that were SUPER SIZED, but we only got 2. So she super sized our 3rd one for free!=D!!( yes I know it was only 50 cents but still, its 50 cents!!) She was a nice girl lol. So after we ate our McDonald's food and got refills(because there free!), we headed to the Petro Canada gas station and bought like 4 large bags of chips. Then we headed to Papa Johns Pizza and bought 2 pizza's. Then we headed back to my house where we ate Pizza and chips and just slouched around like Snorlax's hahahaah!
Man, it we each gained like a trillion calories. OBESE TO THE MAX!!
Well, I'll work it all off this week haha.
I plan to go biking like mad again.
Like just the other day, I biked to Nose Hill Park and it was so nice. Like, I biked there just as the sun was setting and it was amazing. No other way to put it. Just simply amazing.
Well, enough posting for now, gonna start with some sit up and push ups and then hit the hay!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Biking =)

I've forgotten how much I love it.
Don't know where your going..
Don't know how long you will be doing it..
Going to places you haven't been before..

I love it.
Lets me just..relax, dream, appreciate....
My thoughts just are free to wonder the world...
Its nice.
Very nice.

You sometimes even have to accidentally visit a friend to
get tissue because your nose is so stuffed know who
you are..haha

You get lessons to..ware bug repellent if you go biking after it rains..haha

I think I need a new bike..
or at least a new tire...the back tire on my bike is deflated ever time I go,
its leaking some

Gotta love it.

Monday, June 15, 2009


So, I have the guitar Leo lent me..
and I've had it for quite some time now..
and well...
It served me well..
But then..yesterday..
After the DVBS and Summer Camp meeting..
I went to Jackson house for a bit..
And I used his guitar for a bit..
and it just sounded...
amazing.., it was beautiful..
and when I tried to play the guitar I had at home..
it sounded so much worse..
I need to get a tuner ASAP!
and maybe a few days after that, get a new guitar..
or a used one that sounds good.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I want...

the first thing I'm going to do with my money from DVBS is..
Buy a Acoustic Guitar..
and a tuner..

because the strap on the guitar Leo lent me..
is broken..and it falls off every now and then..and yea..

Thursday, June 11, 2009


From now on..
When ever I go out..
I will try to remember to ware a reminder..
Of what is to be done..
Of what not to do..
Remind me self of where I am to go.
What I must stay away from.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


"We were given:
Two hands to hold.
Two legs to walk.
Two eyes to see.
Two ears to listen.
But why only one heart?
Because the other was given to someone else.
For us to find."

I kept on seeing pairs today..
of everything.
Getting on the bus, all the seats could fit 2, and they were all filled..
When I was waiting for Danny, everyone who walked around were in pairs..
Busing home, I saw several pair of birds flying together.. .
And I just couldn't help but think...
Its just me.

Something many people don't know about me
at the moment is that I've picked up guitar again.
And I've been sticking to it.
I can't play any songs really..
but at the moment..
I'm just stringing chord slowly,
at my place on the hill.
I don't really like to practice at home.
Since, it doesnt sound like music or anything to them..
When I "play", I sing..
You will hear it as gibberish with random chords, but..
I hear it as the storm in my heart.

Monday, June 01, 2009

@ the UofC

Like the title says, I'm at the University right now. Waiting for Danny to go workout. I've been going pretty consistently this past Month and a half.
May was alright. The good stuffs of May outweighs the bad by a bit. Which is kinda sad, because YC is in May and it was really good. But this year at YC, it was different.
I didn't get a "high" or a "refresher" from YC but what I did get was a revealing of what I am and what I am to be. Like, my attitude to things, thoughts about people, and my role as a YAC leader. I spent a great deal of time thinking about these things during the weekend at YC. Some thought bummed me out tho. But you know what was way cool....F...R...E...E.......B...U..R...G...E...R...S!!!!!
haha, they had free burger day at Harvey's because it was like there 50th anniversary or something. So when we go there and we all lined up..and it was my turn to order..
So I said..just the burger please...
Anything else sir?
No just the burger..
No drink?
she gave me a weird look and then smiled and said here you go..hahaha

My friends grad just last weekend..
It was cool, a lot different from ours..
Like when you walk across the stage to get your certificate,
they say not just your name, but what you plan to do in the few years to come..
some were funny..
for one guy..
"want to be a space cowboy and if that does not work out, which he is 100% sure that it will, he will take a something at the UofC"
Like you could totally make it up!
haha..if our grad was like that..mine would be...
"David Yang will be enrolling at MIT to take a masters in Aerospace Engineering and then head off to Yale to take a PhD in Marine Biology and then head off to Harvard University to take another PhD in Legal Studies. Upon finishing at Harvard, David will work at his uncles restaurant as a bus boy earning minimal wage plus tips, something he is looking forward to."
Oh how awesome that would

Well its just about 3..and I'm starving and Danny should be here soon..
Gonna grab a bit and then head off!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

just doesn't stop...

I was at the foothills hospital today.
Visiting my Uncle.
I was rather surprised..
He was so weak. His appetite was so, small.
He had a hard time walking.
The second I saw him..
My heart got heavier..

I hope my heart will get lighter this weekend..
as its the weekend of YC...
It'll be good.

Thursday, May 07, 2009


I know this guy.
He is a pretty good cook.
His food was great, like it was good and all,
but not like super great restaurant quality.
His smile was very true.
He was always up there on "cloud 9".
He was a very happy guy.
Every time I see him, I would get the usual.
The same thing every time and its was always good.
But, recently his cooking has been, a bit different from before.
I would taste hints of concentrated salt every now and then.
Where as before, it was consistent taste.
I thought he had changed the recipes , or was trying something new.
But no, he said he changed nothing.
I still enjoy it, just not as much as before.

Friday, May 01, 2009

1 Peter 3:14

But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed.
"Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened"
1Peter 3:14

Even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed.
I am blessed.
Yay, =)
I am blessed at what I'm doing.
God is pleased.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Walking with glue on my shoes

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Just finished it like 10min ago lol haha
but more importantly...
Oh I'm excited for DVBS..and you know whats around the corner?
Today was a good day in the life of a dude/boy/man/teenager/male/human named David Yang.
Today, he was confident in his answers for his test and breezed though it. Had "dinner" at 4ish with Ada and Don, which was quit fun!=D HAD A SUPER AWESOME TIME AT YAC!!. Good job everyone on the designs of the clothing and a special good job for Ada, Hannah, Jackie, Leon, Althea, and Jeramey for the awesome super hilarious runway walks. GOOD JOB GUYS AND GIRLS! The van ride was funny too, Ada's cousin Ken feel asleep with a Fruit to go in his mouth haahaha. Ivy, his brother tried to pull it out but he was still biting down on it! hahahaha. Oh man that was funny lol. And when I got home...
I'm Happy.
Very Happy.
Happier then the ball in the picture=)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I am David
lol( the dude on the left, the person on the right is my sister haha..those coconuts were pretty darn good...Mmmmmm)
I don't know what I'm saying or doing haha
I can't seem to sleep..I tried and well.. Some how...I knocked my lamp over and then..
haven't been able to sleep haha so I'll blog and then try again afterwords. So a few days ago(Sunday) Ada told us a story(WITH PICTURES!! I HAVEN'T HAD A PICTURE STORY IN YEARS!!..i think..) It was rather nice, she was on a walk home and when she looked back it seamed like she was leaving the light and entering into darkness but right before she got home, God shined right over her house and her house was in the light..I thought that was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy cool( LIKE SUPER COOL MAN!!) And today I was reminded of that story. After the funeral service, I walked home from the 301 stop( lol it was funny how I ended up there, I was on the 114 home and I remembered I need to go to church to give auntie Anita some stuffs for DVBS, but when I got to the 301 stop, I realized that by the time I got down to church that she would of left haha and as i walked home, I looked back and the sky was dark, then I looked forward and I saw a setting sun and it was nice. Persevere was the word that clicked in my head. Persevere thought the darkness=D. HOCKEY!!(I will never or at least try not to doubt you again Ada, hahaha) THE FLAMES SLAUGHTERERD THE blackhawks(THEY DON'T DESERVE TO BE CAPITALIZED) 4-2!!! YAY! I'm So a few days... it was a few weeks ago, I went for a walk, and I cam across this short tunnel, and well it just made me think of that song, it something along the lines of, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. And well, during those few days, I felt like I was walking in a dark tunnel. Alone and waiting for the end. And well that ties into my walk today too lol. Its cool =D! You know, I'm a really messy person haha. I was looking thought my china pictures from a few years back..haha and there is a before and after of my hotel room when we were on one of the tours haha. Yea, quite a extreme change haha. Well I don't think its so bad, I mean..I cleaned up a bit before I thought I remember to take a after picture haha.(this room had a secret Mah Jong Table!! IT WAS AUTOMATIC!!) Well I think I'm reading to head off to bed AFTER I BLOG SOME MORE!!! lol. (I'll try to sleep again after 1 more speall about dvbs=D!) Man, I'm so exited for DVBS, and I'm sure both my co-workers are too! I can't wait until school is done and for us to start! Oh much many memories I have of DVBS. And many more to make!=D!! BEST JOB IN THE WORLD!!. Paid to do something you love, to have fun with kids, to spread the word, to work with great people..I mean what not to like?!?!?! Sure I'm pwned with stuff to do, but ITS ALL GOOD MAN(I just realized I've never posted pictures on my blog before haha) Its fun and exciting stuff!=) Well it just about 3am now so I'll ACTUALLY go to sleep..or at least try! GOD BLESS YOU!!(This is quite a long

Thursday, April 16, 2009

When Push comes to shove

Its been a rough week.
I know I know...your thinking..
"But David you just got baptized, shouldn't your week have been good or at least great?"
No, it was quite a tough week for me.
Satan really pressured me this week and I feel as if I gave in.
He has been saying a lot of things to me this week.
Been attacking my heart, thoughts, and emotions.
He has been telling me, "your weak, you can't do it, you can't handle this, you bit off more then you could chew, you WILL fail"
But no.
James 1:4
"Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
I need to persevere.
Come out on top in the hard times.
And grow in Him, become stronger in Him.
I'll admit I have a lot on my plate..
but its nothing me and Jesus can't handle.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My shout to you

He was a happy go lucky guy
I never really saw you depressed or sad at all actually.
When I ever did see you..
It was always "hey man"
"whats up man" in a very odd but cool way
Always random too.
A confidence booster.
You were God strong, a great example of Christ.
You boosted me in my spiritual walk every now and then.
Your finally home bud
Up in heaven with the Father.
I'll see you up there soon, when I head home.
Till then, I'll be missing you man.
God Bless

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Tugging on my heart

You know,
I've been thinking a lot about my lasts lately..
Like when I'm busing to school..
Walking home..
In class..
and even at church..
I keep on thinking..
"I'm going to miss this"
"How many more times will I be able to do this"
"Is this the last time I'm going to be doing this"

And well..
Sometimes I'm sadden by it, but other times I say it in a happy manner..
like a few weeks ago after service..
I have a list..
of things I have to give up..
Hopes and Dreams..
Many if not all, I really wish could happen..
I wish, oh how I wish they could..

Give this soul strength oh Lord
Strength to pursue You on the path You have placed upon this weak soul
Cast away the pain of letting it all go
In your Name

Sunday, March 29, 2009


You know, God is way awesome.
Today's service was amazing.
We has Pastor Mark come back to speak. And man is he gifted.
Like, I never told him anything about my future and where God was leading me..
and yet, God gave him the word to say to me that re-assured my future.
God is amazing=)

Friday was great.
We has our first DVBS meeting.
It was way cool. I was very excited.
Ada got down around 2:30ish i think?
We talked quite a bit about improvements and changed we can make to DVBS this year.
Daniel got there around 5ish because he doesn't have spring break until Easter lol.
Well I'm grateful that these two people are my partners for DVBS this year.

Saterday was fun too.
The whole big family go together and we had lunch and dinner together at my house.
It was nice to hang with all the guys.
Simon, Kenny, Calvin, and Jack.
It was cool.

well I'll leave it at this since I'm quite tired
and God Bless!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What breaks my heart

So today,
We ate dinner with our grandma and my cousins Allen and Kyle..
And well my grandma's getting old,
we've been talking a lot about her health..
and its gotten better these past few weeks..
But now she isn't aloud to eat salty food.
and that really ate at me during dinner today.
We had to put all the food in boiling water and rinse all the salt out...
whats really eating at me is that...


Saturday, March 21, 2009

I was given the ok..
the ok to...


Monday, March 16, 2009


I was so very tired at school today..
Didn't get any sleep 0 hours of sleep last night..
I was up for the most part doing my Japanese project on Kyoto. Finished it up at around 3:30ishcouldn't fall asleep,
My brain was racing a mile a minuet yet
A few hours later I woke up and got ready for school.
I didn't feel the tiredness until 20min into my first class.
It was horrible lol. You see, I sit in the front right by the teacher and I did the bobble head A LOT haha. And since its a rather small class, I'm sure everyone noticed me lol. There were some pretty intense bobbles, like...I just about hit my desk once lol, sigh* haha
Well after school I bussed to Tai Pan to eat with my mom and then we went to the dentist to wait for my grandma. My mom went inside whale I slept in the car. I had a nice nap. 1 hour.
Came home after a bit and played some wii fit then it was off to hw.
And here I am now, a bit tired still, my mind still racing lol..

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring!!!!!!!!!! is almost here!

To take or not to take, that is the question...
To take on a firm grasp of my studies and lose the time on the outdoors
or to be free of studies till the time come..

Ok i give up on writing old English haha
So I meant to say is that I'm planning to take some spring courses.
I haven't decided on if I should take 1 or 2..
The thing
My mom wants me to change the landscape of the backyard, because right now..
Its like sloped and yea, she want me to change it so it'll be flat, so there is going
to be a lot of digging and moving soil for me. Its going to be pretty intense. I have to get my mom and sister to pick out which bricks to use. Like..
Its going to be split between 2 levels. So we will have a high end and a short
That doesn't make sense does it?lol well its just going to be a lot of

DVBS!! I'm so excited for it! I plan on changing a few things up, if not everything.
Like, talking to Kingston the other day, he told me when he started to do DVBS he changed quite a few things up, and there are some things that I've been wanting to change around so it'll happen this year. And I'll have to ask my co-workers if they want to see any changes or anything like that. OH ITS GOING TO BE GREAT!!
Well then again, I need to see if the board want me to do it haha.

This is going to be a intense but Good summer.
Much work need to be done!!=D
But God will provide=)

Isaiah 40:28-31

28 Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.

29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.

30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;

31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Thanks For reading!
God Bless you!

Monday, March 09, 2009


He wakes up.
Slowly getting out, he pulls his legs out from under his blanket and sits on the side of the bed. He immediately feels the cold cool carpet on the souls of his feet. He takes a deep breath, gets up and starts to look around.
Appearing to be lost, he leaves the room, and that's where I saw him face to face.
His face gave a look of happiness , but his eye told me emptiness.
Maybe not complete emptiness, but he was missing something, something important almost vital. Who knows how long we were standing there.
But simultaneously we both turned around and left.
Neither one of us looking back.

Friday, March 06, 2009

I wonder sometimes...

You know
I really wonder sometimes..
whats going on in that head of
I come up with a lot of answers in my head..and they very A LOT
Its true you know..
a guy really would give his left nut to read a girls mind for a day haha
maybe I just think too much right?
who knows!
I just hope your a-ok
God Bless!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


a follower of Christ
at home
in my pj's
quite around people I don't know
a nice guy
help you when you ask
have a strong sense of justice
lack action
not that smart
love kids
been to china
been to where my dad grew up
daydream a lot
have horrible spelling and grammar
don't drink
hate seeing people hurt
go to Mount Royal Collage
like anime
a little bit of a sucker for love stories
a happy person
will be your friend if you be my friend
try to help out when ever I can
horrible at "reading" girls
often jump in not knowing the boat is sinking
have a hard time with homework and studying
enjoy laughing
love the feeling you get when you help someone
like going outta my way to help
want to have kids
hate fairs wheels
try my best to be a example of Christ
not easily angered
can be quite good at hiding things
like deep conversations
love listening to gospel
a good listener
try to give my best advice
need to follow through on my word
like to plan things
get mad at the newspaper quit often
love being at YAC
want to get married
live with my mom, dad and 2 sisters
love hanging with friends
hate alcohol
scared of heights
unbelievable sacred of horror movies
love the color sky blue
dream of my family being saved
love playing rugby and football
hate keeping things from you
hate worrying
love worship
can be very spontaneous
love listening to worship
like cooking
enjoy teaching
wanted to be a teacher and cook at one time
love sushi
want to go to japan
sleep late
argue with my self a lot
over think a lot of things
often interpret things wrong
don't like being praised, but its changing somewhat
like taking pictures, thought of being a photographer at a time
love powerful pictures
love summer camp
not happy with where I'm headed
some what overweight
not so good at school
fallen in love before
been to California
driven before
like dramas
never been to the Calgary tower
want to go to a flames game one day
can swim
like orange juice
like dipping cookies in milk
can't remember the last time I dipped cookies in milk
don't like the weights that come with my last name
like hugs
like that feelings when your in love
single, and will be until I'm done at mount royal
joining the army after I'm done at mount royal
don't believe in following your emotions
can be very weird
want to lean the guitar, drums, base, and piano as well
want to go skydiving and scuba diving
wanna travel the world
like trying to fix things
a tech guy
hate wasting food
can be pretty gross sometimes
want to learn to dance
like giving hugs
like all four season
like rain, snow and as well as sunny skies
love cycling
like jogging
love to star gaze
a gamer
can be quit cheap
want to fly a helicopter
like hockey
want to lay under the night sky in the southern hemisphere with my her
want to see the Tokyo skyline with her
like bright colors
like sight seeing
love watching the sunrise and set
like walks
want to be a dad
hate mushrooms
quite messy
a youth leader
will try my best to keep a promise
wanted to be a firefighter
forget important things sometimes
trying to read the bible more often
want to get baptized
attending the baptism classes
love praying
enjoy relaxing
have incredible detailed memory of events which mean a lot to me
only remember seeing a shooting star once
saw the planet Venus for the first time when we went skating for YAC
love just sitting there and watching in awe
cannot decide my future, God does
trying to hate no one
trying to love everyone
want to bring a homeless man to a buffet
want to go to nose hill park at 4am and watch the sun rise over Calgary with her
love skating
want to touch the Atlantic ocean
wanna travel the world
never been east of Calgary
like tic tacs
sweat a lot when I'm working out or playing sports
want YAC to grow
actually don't mind getting cloths for gifts
love to do things for other people
lack motivation
have had sleepless nights

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oh no! school tomorrow!=(

I wasted reading week for the most part
My 2 highlight from Monday-Friday were..
Wednesday working out, and Friday Hanging with Cathy, Lian and later on Ada, and even more later on
I think I blogged about both already so I'm not going to blog about it again
Lets see..yesterday..
Went skating with Danny, Anita, Jack and later on Don showed up. It was alright.
I left with Jack at around 5 and headed to my house where we hung out for a bit.
We played games for the most part and then sat around and just talked. I was so tired tho
After he left, I collapsed on the bed. I didn't fall asleep because I had to read the Sunday school book. I started to read it but I ended up falling asleep trying to finish it. I woke up with it still on my face
Today was good.
Service was awesome. I love worship=)
Praise our Father in Heaven!
Hung around church for a bit after service.
I was so hungry when I was taking the bus with Ada
Got home and ate. Later on went to
TnT and superstore with my Dad to get Lunches for school and vegetables.
My mom is sick=(
When I got home she was really sick.
Hasn't gotten out of bed all day..
Hopefully she will get better soon=D!
I still feel quite tired right now..
But I'm going to man out this tiredness and sleep early today!
Right now I have to do a bit of studying for my Midterms on Wednesday and Friday. Sigh**
Well I still have a few days to study...
Humm.. I need to tell my boss I don't want to work on Mondays anymore. Too much work not enough time to do hw at home.
Hopefully he will be fine with it so I don't have to quit
Well I'm off now!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nice Day

It was nice today was..
Woke up at 9..but it wasn't until 10:30
ish that i actually got out of my
So I meet up with Cathy downtown at 1 and we walked around and talked. We met up with Lian later at Calgary Court and ate lunch. It was nice hanging with them because I've never hung with them before. It was really good
lol. Got to know them both a bit more and it was fun lol.
Meet up with Ada at 4
ish and then we headed to Sumo to eat. We got the same thing as the time before, but the oyster were a bit hotter then last time and the Boat thing we got that isn't a boat was missing out on the TEMPURA ROLL!!=(!!!! lol.
Afterwords, we went to the Cultural center where I bought these min firecracker things!! I think there so cool
Headed to church afterwords.
It was nice.
God spoke to me again...
He said..
"Let go of it already"
And He is right...
I should...
but its hard..
I've been holding on to it for so long now...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Up, Down, Left, Right, Here, Over There

These past few days my emotions were all over the place..
Started on Wednesday where I had suspicions about things...haha
and the suspicions grew until it Sunday, lol But its all good now..
Sunday was a goodish day....haha
His plans raveled, and I guess I'm accepting it...finally haha
Football with the boys was cool. Good exercise and had a blast.
Got ride of some heavy burdens too, well not ride of...
but to share the burdens and not have to carry it all on your own..=)
Honestly, after the talk my heart ACTUALLY felt lighter.
It started last felt physically heavy. Like, something was grabbing it,
Trying to prevent my heart from beating. It didn't let up what so ever. Only grew.
It got unbelievable heavy on Sunday. Singing during choir was different, I just felt weak.
During football with the boys, I was out of breath fast..really fast. When I got home. I collapsed on the bed for sometime before I summed up the ballz to call and try to solve some suspicions. But I ended up getting help with the weight on my heart=D
After that, things have been picking up.
Monday I was able to focus somewhat on studying. Tuesday as well, Danny came over a bit later and hung out for a bit.
Today, worked out/racquetball with Calvin, Danny, Don, and Dian. It was good. Need to do it more often tho. After work out and racquetball, Dian left and us 4 went to Kilkennys and ate a whole lotta ribs. The ribs were just ok, not the best or anything. Wings would have been a billion times better. After that Headed to Calvin house and stayed there until my aunt picked me up.
Now to keep on this fitness track, Gonna wake up early tomorrow and go for a light run. I'm thinking 9:30am will be a good time. Come back, study for a while...well..along while...
Maybe I'll head to that small skating rink in sandstone and skate there for a bit haha.
Then do more studying/catching up...
Anyone want to join me?lol
Humm, I only know of 1 person who might read
What a week...
from a miserable end of last week
To a nice start to this
I'm outta here!
God Bless!!=)