I am David
lol( the dude on the left, the person on the right is my sister haha..those coconuts were pretty darn good...Mmmmmm)
I don't know what I'm saying or doing haha
I can't seem to sleep..I tried and well.. Some how...I knocked my lamp over and then..
haven't been able to sleep haha so I'll blog and then try again afterwords. So a few days ago(Sunday) Ada told us a story(WITH PICTURES!! I HAVEN'T HAD A PICTURE STORY IN YEARS!!..i think..) It was rather nice, she was on a walk home and when she looked back it seamed like she was leaving the light and entering into darkness but right before she got home, God shined right over her house and her house was in the light..I thought that was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy cool( LIKE SUPER COOL MAN!!) And today I was reminded of that story. After the funeral service, I walked home from the 301 stop( lol it was funny how I ended up there, I was on the 114 home and I remembered I need to go to church to give auntie Anita some stuffs for DVBS, but when I got to the 301 stop, I realized that by the time I got

down to church that she would of left haha anyways..lol) and as i walked home, I looked back and the sky was dark, then I looked forward and I saw a setting sun and it was nice. Persevere was the word that clicked in my head. Persevere thought the darkness=D. HOCKEY!!(I will never or at least try not to doubt you again Ada, hahaha) THE FLAMES SLAUGHTERER

D THE blackhawks(THEY DON'T DESERVE TO BE CAPITALIZED) 4-2!!! YAY! I'm happy..lol. So a few days... wait...no it was a few weeks ago, I went for a walk, and I cam across this short tunnel, and well it just made me think of that song, it something along the lines of, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. And well, during those few days, I felt like I was walking in a dark tunnel. Alone and waiting for the end. And well that ties into my walk today too lol. Its cool =D! You know, I'm a really messy person haha. I was looking thought my china pictures from

a few years back..haha and the

re is a before and after of my hotel room when we were on one of the tours haha. Yea, quite a extreme change haha. Well I don't think its so bad, I mean..I cleaned up a bit before I thought I remember to take a after picture haha.(this room had a secret Mah Jong Table!! IT WAS AUTOMATIC!!) Well I think I'm reading to head off to bed now...lol...RIGHT AFTER I BLOG SOME MORE!!! lol. (I'll try to sleep again after 1 more speall about dvbs=D!) Man, I'm so exited for DVBS, and I'm sure both my co-workers are too! I can't wait until school is done and for us to start! Oh much many memories I ha

ve of DVBS. And many more to make!=D!! BEST JOB IN THE WORLD!!. Paid to do something you love, to have fun with kids, to spread the word, to work with great people..I mean what not to like?!?!?! Sure I'm pwned with stuff to do, but ITS ALL GOOD MAN(I just realized I've never posted pictures on my blog before haha) Its fun and exciting stuff!=) Well it just about 3am now so I'll ACTUALLY go to sleep..or at least try! GOD BLESS YOU!!(This is quite a long blog..lol)
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