Friday, March 05, 2010


I wish I could run away.
Run away from Calgary.
Just spend some one on one with God.
Nothing to bother me.
Nothing to think about.
Just me and Him.

A few friends are heading to Vancouver in April.
They've asked me to come.
I want to go..
But I don't feel I deserve to go.
I've been lazy.
Not putting enough work in to school.
Not putting enough effort in to the things God wants me to do.
I need to work harder on these this before I take a "break".

I enjoy school.
I do.
But it takes so much time away.
Time away from YAC.
Planning boys fellowship.
Still looking for that balance.

James 1:12.


Katy said...

whoa is this what you are talking about?
I told you God was "stalking" you and telling me things hhaa =P