Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Every wonder "what if"?
What if I did this.
What if I was more clear.
What if what if what if.

I've been thing a lot about what if.
What if I did this or that. Would things have turned out this way? or better?

I'm tired.
Tired of carrying. Tired of pushing.
I think, just maybe.
I picked up one too many.
YAC, Summer Camp, DVBS, Sunday School, Boys Fellowship.
Looking forward to next year.
Dropping it all but YAC and Boys Fellowship

Am I burning out?
I know I'm not feeding my soul enough.
I need to find another source. My soul is hungry.
Has been for quite a long time now.
Sunday is my only food.

Leo, your right. I'm giving up too much.
I need to eat more. I can't keep this up too much longer.

I need to be active. Not lazy.
Need to work on DVBS a whole lot more.
Get registration opened asap for DVBS
Need to work hard on my spring course.
I need to find a way to teach in a captivating way for Sunday school and DVBS.
Need to start and keep up with the Boys Fellowship.

And the only way I'll be able to do any of that is with Jesus.
And your prayers would be nice too.


Geo said...

Just remember to take hold of the little things as well. The big picture is great, but I find that it's the little things that give you strength to go on.

Take it week by week, day by day. Find the little things that give you joy in what you are doing. Service for the Lord should never become a chore.

And the what ifs... it is so easy to fall into them. But unless you look at them constructively and productively, don't allow them to hold you back or bring you down.

When you are consumed by the everlasting flame, you'll never burn out. Remember that. Remember where your source of strength ultimately comes from.

And remember that you are never alone in the tasks appointed to you. That is why God provided you with a church family to support you through it all. Don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Friends are a blessing in more ways then one.