Sunday, November 26, 2006

Stuck in a Phase of Worship

Worship was AMAZING TODAY, it was the best worship I had since Summer Camp 05. I felt his presents like never before. It was him once again. I spoke to him and talked to him. I fell on my knee's for him. I cried out to him and he came. I felt his presents all over the church. Even when I left, I could feel him stirring something up in the church. It was unlike anything I ever felt before. After the worship, I felt so refreshed. Well today coming to church I was thinking about how absent God was in my life recently. And then he hits me like this. AND IT WAS GOOD. It was so, such a great feeling. I was so happy after that worship. It was kinda odd tho. There was this person behind me who stayed the whole time. I never thought this person was so close to God. But I was wrong and who I thought that person was totally changed. I mean I didn't expect that person to be there but they were. And yea.


all thanks to the Lord =)


Anonymous said...

Perhaps that was what you were looking for that cold winters day...