Thursday, December 28, 2006


so I've been bored outta my mind saying at home these couple of days, well I've been running a lot, and running is about all I've been doing. Been so bored this week. The only things that were fun were the Caroling and the Christmas party and the dinner party. That's about it. DAVID IS BORED!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH only bored until tomorrow tho, YAC SLEEP OVER DUDE!!!! its gonna be a long and evil night..hahaha, well I'm dead tired..ZZZZZzzzzzzz


Havok said...'s going to be crazy tmw!

Anonymous said...

i agree,its going to be off the hook

Anonymous said...

yea it was a long and evil night..but not like i hoped...stupid 'bed'