Sunday, March 04, 2007

In His time

Never have I wanted anything more then this. I fell on my knees, broke in to tears asking God for it. It consumed my heart. Its so painful, I was so angry, so upset, I just couldn't hold it back or hide it anymore. It all came out, as I fell on my knees for God. I let it all out at Him and I yelled at Him. I hit the ground with my fist in anger. I wanted them to know Him so much, that I even got mad at God for not saving them. My mom, my dad, my older sister, and my younger sister. I know I shouldn't of. And well I know better now I guess. I need to be able to control my self and my feelings no matter how painful or angry I am. I need to pray for them and for myself too. I need to life up my feeling to the Lord and look for his comfort, and most importantly, I need to be patient, let the Lord decide when it will be time.

"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit" -Zachariah 4:6

Not by my might or my attempts or how hard I try, but by the Holy Spirit will then my family will be saved.


Havok said...

At least you were honest with God and let it all out. God likes it when we share our hearts with Him because He knows how we feel anyways so why try to hide it?

And yes, all in God's timing....