Sunday, January 18, 2009

Prayer meeting on Saturdays are amazing.
I don't know how to say it..
But it's great.
You can ask or tell these people anything.
And they will pray with there heart and soul for you just as prayer should be.
Prayer is seeking, asking, praising, feeling God.
It's amazing.
Prayer is powerful.
It's the best way to start off Saturdays or well, any day.
What spoke to me was..
"To live God's dream for you, rather then your own dream"
That is the single thing I'm having troubles with.
He has showed me things...and at the time I felt it was good and that I would follow..
But as time went on..He told me more and I was unhappy with it..And I was and still am, hesitant to follow...
But I'm still not sure...
Is this really the path?
Prayer prayer and more prayer
It's all I can do
And I ask for your prayers
for taking the time to read..
and for your prayers