and for those of you who don't know..
I changed my profile picture..haha
first time since i started blogging lol
Tomorrow, I'm going to be stuck at school until like...10pm. I'm going to be working on my paper all night long. I get off class at 6. and from 6-10 I'll work on it. Hopefully my dad will remember to pick me and, and hopefully he'll let me drive haha. He let my drive on Monday. It was fun going on 14th by nose hill park. I hit 100=P haha. You know, I believe I speed because of Clem's speeding. I'm so use to going so fast that when I'm driving, I feel like I'm going so slow haha. I can't stand my moms driving anymore because she always goes 5-10 under the limit.
I found out I'm working AGAIN on Sunday. This will be the last of the Sunday's because Mindy, the waitress will be back from China and be working again. I realized I really don't like working on Sunday's no matter how much tips I get. Sunday is when I should be hanging with everyone and getting closer to them. Being with the boys and helping them out for making them feel more welcome at church. But this Sunday I had to ditch and go to work T_T.
You know, I need to hang with my home slice, which is a straight up G from the hood yo.
You know who you are hahaha. We haven't hung in a while. Come to think of it...I don't remember us hanging yo. Only eating at flight deck that one time haha. YA HEAR THAT G SLICE HOMIE, WE NEEDA HANG YO. haha
I really really like...or i mean no. I don't like..I...LOVE church. Being around everyone is so much fun. Worship is always amazing. No matter what song or who's leading, its always good when God is there. Oh wait...GOD IS ALWAYS THERE SO ITS ALWAYS GOOD haha. I'm cool =D
I've also decided, that I don't need a new job. I don't mind sticking with this one. The workers are nice, my manager pretty laid back and I get unlimited pop haha. If I suddenly find or someone offers me a super awesome job then I guess I'll take it and quit. But other then that, I think I'll stick to being a bus boy at sushi ichiban. School has been cool. Been seeing peoples around more often and hanging with them more between and after class. I now share a locker with Steven and maybe use his gym locker hahaha.
I'm hungry..I think I'll...
I DO!=D!!!!!!!