Friday, February 12, 2010

It's about time.

And the Door is Closed.

Now what should I do with the key?
Should I throw away the key, and keep this door closed forever?
Or hope for the best and maybe open the door in like...10 years time?

But what I do know, is that the door to my heart is now locked.
And will stay locked for the years to come.
Locked until my task is done.
and maybe, just maybe
One day...I'll unlock it...


Geo said...

I'll be the cheesy responder here... since it popped to mind. XP

Throw the key away. Just toss it off somewhere. God will lead someone special to find it and they'll come and unlock your heart when you least expect it. How romantic, eh? Also, it'll be in God's time and not yours that way. XP

Protect your heart from things coming in, but don't let your heart turn to stone by shutting it close. It needs to breath. It needs to love.