Friday, February 05, 2010


When you workout.
You don't share your weights.
You use them. Do it on your own.
Push your self to the end.
I carry my weights on my own.
I push my self on my own.
No pain, no gain.


Geo said...

Ever work out with a spotter?
It may seem like you're still doing all the work on your own. But the added benefits of a good spotter will do you wonders. They encourage you. They challenge you. And most important of all, they support you. You'll go longer, harder and further with a spotter then you will on your own. You'll also be more efficient and effective as they'll spot your weaknesses that you'd otherwise miss.

Same thing for life.
You can do it all on your own.
But having a spotter will do you wonders. They'll encourage you. They'll challenge you. They'll support you. They'll see weaknesses that you'd otherwise miss.

No pain. No gain.
But only if you do it right.
You exercise improperly, and that pain... will not be a gain. You'll get injured instead. Having a spotter to ensure you're doing it right is also a huge benefit.